Latest Episodes
Larry Callahan & Selected of God’s Marvelous Ride [[New Music & Interview]]
The last couple years have been quite the ride for Larry Callahan and Selected of God. From singing everywhere to their tremendous achievement on...
Take Control Tuesday: Merry 4th of July?
Today on Take Control Tuesday Mansa Musa gives us a new perspective of the 4th of July… and Christmas Budgets. Make “cents” to me!...
Reach Out Thursday: Matthew 5:27-28 “Adultery”
Chancellor Searcy found himself in the midst of a 365-Day quest to bring souls to Christ and he was obedient. Out of his obedience...
Take Control Tuesday: What Is
You’ve been hearing us talk about, but what is it all about? Mansa Musa gives us the answers this week on Take Control...
Monday Manna with Brother Bates
The Bible tells us in James 5:13-16 that we should pray the prayer of faith over many things. Today we begin a new feature...
El Olam 5th Annual 2 Day Dance Intensive Featuring J.J. Hairston Friday Evening [[INTERVIEW]]
J.J. Hairston has spent a lot of time in the Motor City but tonight it’ll be a bit different as he ministers at the ...