Latest Episodes
Reach Out Thursday: James 1:14-15 “Man’s Biggest Temptation”
Chancellor Searcy found himself in the midst of a 365-Day quest to bring souls to Christ and he was obedient. Out of his obedience...
Take Control Tuesday: Money Issues Boil Down to Your Money “Habits”
Knowing your relationship with money, or your “Money Habitudes,” could very well help you with your relationship with your significant other and vice versa....
Monday Manna with Brother Bates
The Bible tells us in James 5:13-16 that we should pray the prayer of faith over many things. Today we begin a new feature...
Reach Out Thursday: Ephesians 5:22-24 “Mans Rightful Place”
Chancellor Searcy found himself in the midst of a 365-Day quest to bring souls to Christ and he was obedient. Out of his obedience...
Griff vs Everybody This Weekend in Metro Detroit
I had the opportunity to chat with Griff, comedian and co-host of Get Up Mornings with Erica Campbell, who will be in town for...
Take Control Tuesday: Understanding Your Mates Money Habits Could Help Your Relationship
If you understood your relationship to money as well as your loved one, you could probably avoid a lot of strife. Mansa Musa from...