Latest Episodes
Take Control Tuesday – 4-Steps to Becoming “Money Smart”
You’ve been hearing us talk about being “money smart” for some time now. So today, Mansa Musa from, has 4 basic steps to...
Bryan Popin: Grateful That God Didn’t ‘Give Me What I Deserved’
Bryan Popin and I have been following each other on social media since the song “I Can Make It” hit the radio. His energy...
Grab Your Chairs & Come Out For “Jazz on the Lawn” This Weekend
I’m honored to serve as host for Gracious Saviour Lutheran’s 9th annual “Jazz on the Lawn,” and today talked to the organizers and a...
Reach Out Thursday: Acts 28:30-31 “Boldness”
Chancellor Searcy found himself in the midst of a 365-Day quest to bring souls to Christ and he was obedient. Out of his obedience...
Game on Wednesday: Raising Respectful Kids
“I firmly believe that respect is a lot more important, and a lot greater, than popularity.” ~ Julius Erving The other day I was...
Take Control Tuesday – What is Your Credit Utilization Ratio?
Last week Mansa Musa from, gave us a great tip on how raising your credit limit on your cards could help your credit...