If you are dreaming of buying a home for your family, Mansa Musa from MoneySmartLife.org is starting our series on the “home buying timeline” with a breakdown of what that means in this week’s segment.
Agung Pandit Wiguna at Pexels
ALSO CHECK OUT: Take Control: Prepare For Home Buying With The First Three Rules Of Real Estate
Instagram: @PraiseDetroit & @RandiMyles2Go LISTEN TO RANDI EACH WEEKDAY FROM 10AM – 3PM ON THE DETROIT PRAISE NETWORK! Check out all Take Control Tuesday...
Chancellor Searcy found himself in the midst of a 365-Day quest to bring souls to Christ and he was obedient. Out of his obedience...
There are so many incentives for business owners and potential home buyers in Detroit. But the problem is… you have to be financially stable...