On this week’s Artist Spotlight I had the opportunity to catch up with Maurice Griffin. Maurice has been on the scene since the age of 15 but it wasn’t until he made it to the final round of season two of BET’s “Sunday Best” that his God given gift was pushed forward.
Check Out Our Photoshoot After The Interview
I talked to Maurice about his journey, the meaning behind “Love Peace Happiness” and what he is doing now below. Find the latest on Maurice Griffin ~~~> HERE
Brian Courtney Wilson stopped by the Praise studios to talk about that moving moment at Praise in the Park 2015 and his new single,...
That’s right… You’ve heard Byron ”Mr. Talkbox” Chambers on countless songs but may not have realized that this talented man of God has been...
Instagram: @PraiseDetroit & @RandiMyles2Go LISTEN TO RANDI EACH WEEKDAY FROM 10AM – 3PM ON THE DETROIT PRAISE NETWORK! Check out all Take Control Tuesday...