Latest Episodes
Take Control Tuesday: Valentine’s Day, Your Money & Your Honey
There is a direct correlation between your money and your love life. Yep… one of the top reasons for divorce is money issues. So...
Reach Out Thursday: I Corinthians 13:2 “Love First”
Chancellor Searcy found himself in the midst of a 365-Day quest to bring souls to Christ and he was obedient. Out of his obedience...
Take Control Tuesday: Save Money On Your Electric Bill
I’ve gotten so frustrated with my electric bill… especially in the summer. I open my bill and immediately question every light or item plugged...
Reach Out Thursday: I Corinthians 13:13 “God’s Eternal Love”
Chancellor Searcy found himself in the midst of a 365-Day quest to bring souls to Christ and he was obedient. Out of his obedience...
Take Control Tuesday: You Need a Will
No one likes talking about this because it seems a bit morbid but when it comes to the inevitable, not having a will means...
Reach Out Thursday: Romans 12:2 “Renewing Our Minds”
Chancellor Searcy found himself in the midst of a 365-Day quest to bring souls to Christ and he was obedient. Out of his obedience...