Latest Episodes
Take Control Tuesday: Time to Raise a “Yellow Alert”
Instagram: @PraiseDetroit & @RandiMyles2Go LISTEN TO RANDI EACH WEEKDAY FROM 10AM – 3PM ON THE DETROIT PRAISE NETWORK! Check out all Take Control Tuesday...
Take Control: How to Save for that 30-Day Emergency Plan
Instagram: @PraiseDetroit & @RandiMyles2Go LISTEN TO RANDI EACH WEEKDAY FROM 10AM – 3PM ON THE DETROIT PRAISE NETWORK! Check out all Take Control Tuesday...
Take Control Tuesday: Get Prepared For 03/07/30
Instagram: @PraiseDetroit & @RandiMyles2Go LISTEN TO RANDI EACH WEEKDAY FROM 10AM – 3PM ON THE DETROIT PRAISE NETWORK! Check out all Take Control Tuesday...
Reach Out Thursday: Acts 11:26 “What is Christianity”
Chancellor Searcy found himself in the midst of a 365-Day quest to bring souls to Christ and he was obedient. Out of his obedience...
Take Control: Raise Your Credit Score With These 9 Tips
Mansa Musa from says there are nine things you can do to raise your credit score by the end of the year. Want...
Reach Out Thursday: John 10:18 “Life Worth Sacrificing”
Chancellor Searcy found himself in the midst of a 365-Day quest to bring souls to Christ and he was obedient. Out of his obedience...