Randi Myles Online

Conversations with Stellar Award Nominee and Veteran Radio Host, Randi Myles

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March 04, 2019 NaN
Gospel Entertainment News with Larry W. Robinson

Gospel Entertainment News with Larry W. Robinson

This week’s report features Anthony Nelson and The Overcomers. http://confessionsofagospeldj.wpcomstaging.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/10b37-anthony-nelson-and-the-overcomers-on-gospel-updates-3-4-19.mp3   Check out more from Larry W. Robinson at gospelupdates.com Larry W. Robinson, a syndicated...


February 21, 2019 00:04:35
Wished I Had This In My Black History Class

Wished I Had This In My Black History Class

There’s a new Black History Curriculum in town and it’s designed for every school district in America. Today I spoke with Dr. Joel Freeman,...


February 19, 2019 NaN
Gospel Entertainment News with Larry W. Robinson

Gospel Entertainment News with Larry W. Robinson

This week’s report includes an update on the Stellar Awards. http://confessionsofagospeldj.wpcomstaging.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/0835a-the-stellar-awards-updates-on-gospel-updates-2-18-19.mp3   Check out more from Larry W. Robinson at gospelupdates.com Larry W. Robinson, a...


February 18, 2019 00:08:58
Elohin: The Balance Between “Ambition vs Chasing Fame”

Elohin: The Balance Between “Ambition vs Chasing Fame”

With the release of his new project, “Boom Bap Soul Mixtape,” I decided to check in with Elohin to talk about the project, the...


February 17, 2019 00:12:15
Jonathan A. Merritt: God Said, ‘I’m Not Done With You Yet’

Jonathan A. Merritt: God Said, ‘I’m Not Done With You Yet’

Bishop Andrew Merritt, the founder of Straight Gate International Church in Detroit, was given a vision that his son Jonathan would “reach the city,...


February 16, 2019 NaN
Reach Out: Loving Yourself & Others

Reach Out: Loving Yourself & Others

Chancellor Searcy found himself amid a 365-Day quest to bring souls to Christ and he was obedient. Out of his obedience came the call...
