Latest Episodes
Coach’s Corner: Coach Kiwi, ‘Good Health Starts with Preparation’
Today I start a new feature where I will talk to local coaches who are helping people gain health and wellness. For the next...
Game on Wednesday: 5 Keys to Healthy Relationships
Follow @randimyles2go Solid healthy relationships can be a struggle, especially when one or both parties lack key skills. Sotoday, Dr. Joseph Kimbrough will give...
The Destiny Club: Helping You Reach Your Goals God’s Way
Early in life, Donna Christian had big hopes and dreams of future success, but years of chronic illness, and eventually ovarian cancer challenged her...
Tamela Mann: ‘I Really Want to Make My Heavenly Father Proud’ [[Interview]]
Tamela Mann will be in town for the Glory to God Gospel Explosion tomorrow night at Greater Grace Temple. I had an opportunity to...
Immeasurable: There’s a Testimony Behind Their Style [[Interview + Video]]
I’ve learned over time that you should never… I mean never try to pre-judge a persons love (or lack there of) for God simply...
Game on Wednesday: 5 Tips In Discovering Your Potential
Follow @randimyles2go We all have gifts we’ve been given. God-given purpose… But, how do we find out what that purpose and potential may be? ...