[00:00:00] Speaker A: It is Tuesday. That means I get a chance to talk to Mansa Musa from moneysmartlife.org. and Mansa, I'm excited because this series has been so instrumental in a lot of people's lives already. And we're talking about faith and finance, and today we're talking about the parable of the sower and how important that is when it comes to our finances.
[00:00:25] Speaker B: Yeah, actually, first of all, we want to remind people that our archives are on takecontrolTuesday.com. you want to go back there to get some of the previous episodes in the series. But let's continue to talk about our faith and finances. And let's take a quick review what we've learned so far. First of all, we learned that God said in Genesis chapter eight, verse 22 that as long as the earth remained, there would be seed time and harvest night and day and the seasons. So that still exists. So that seed time and harvest still applies. Then look at two Corinthians chapter nine, which tells believers that when they make offerings toward a godly purpose, that can be considered seed and they can expect a harvest from it. Right now, today we're going to look at Mark chapter four, which is the parable of the sower. And we don't have a lot of time, so this is going to be multiple portions of our upcoming broadcast. But in this parable, Jesus is specifically talking about the word of God.
However, the principles of sowing a reaping apply to any type of seed. Genesis chapter one, verse eleven told us God said during the creation process that all seeds would produce after their own time.
And when it comes to money as a seed, the principle that Jesus gives us regarding the ground is important. So in mark chapter four, red letter, Jesus is going to tell us about what happens when we properly plant seed in prepared ground. And that's we'll be talking about on future episodes because the better the ground, the bigger the harvest.
[00:02:35] Speaker A: Yes, sir.
[00:02:35] Speaker B: In fact, he says it will produce a return of 30, 61 hundred fold. Once again, red letter, it is right there.
[00:02:47] Speaker A: Well, I am excited about this series because it's important for us to understand that it all goes together. It's not one or the other. It all goes together. And again, you can get our
[email protected]. dot also head over to Mansa's website. It is moneysmartlife.org dot. Mansa, thank you so much.